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Stay tuned for upcoming workshop dates!


In this introductory highly informative workshop you will learn all about painting furniture! We will be covering the basics, how to properly prep your furniture prior to painting, different types of furniture paint available and how to paint to ensure you enjoy your piece for years to come.

You have your choice of bringing a small or medium sized piece of furniture (3 drawer dresser, side table, coffee table, chair, or small desk or something along this size)

We then guide you throughout the workshop from start to finish.

We will assist with minor repairs, prep, paint and give you direction on how to seal your piece once completely dry.

This class will include:

  • All products required to complete your piece

  • Your choice of any paint colour (just tell me a week prior) * Your own paint brush (one of my favourites)

  • All you need to bring is your cleaned furniture item!

Start time 10:00am, typically ends by 4pm.

If you’re not certain if your piece is the right size, feel free to send us an email to haldimandvintage@gmail.com

Location- TBA (Northumberland County)

Light refreshments will be available Workshop

  • 50% deposit required to hold a space

  • Limit of 6 spaces


Sign-up to be the first to know when workshop registration opens!